Intellectual investment in enterprise innovation activity.


  • N. Horiachova


intellectual investment; investment; human capital; intellectual capital; innovative activity; intellectual property; innovative potential


The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of theoretical and methodological intellectual investments in the innovative activity of enterprises and the development of scientific and practical recommendations in the management, formation and implementation of an innovation strategy at the industrial enterprises of Ukraine.

In the first section, «Theoretical Foundations of Intellectual Investment Management in the Industrial Sector», the theoretical foundations of investment from different perspectives of scientists (intelligence, intellectual capital, intellectual investment, intellectual property, innovation potential, human capital) are analyzed and became a key factor in the development of the enterprise, region, state and industry.

In the second section, «Analysis of the state of efficiency and evaluation of intellectual investment in the industrial sector» is defined: analysis of intellectual investment of the global market situation on the example of the countries of the world; the top five countries in the world according to the Global Economic Information Index; expenditures on innovative development and a share of GDP of the countries of the world; country dynamics in the global innovation index. According to WIPO, which integrates such international systems as: PCT - international patent system (inventions); Madrid system - international trademark system; The Hague system is an international system of industrial designs, researched and analyzed innovative activity of the countries of the world.

In the third section «Improving the management of intellectual investment in industrial enterprises» in modeling the international knowledge transfer in the economy with the purpose of verification in the framework of the econometric model using panel data, the relation between the dependent change of GDP per capita and the regressors is proposed and calculated and regional aspects, grouped into 4 integration technology clusters (1 cluster - African countries; 2 cluster - Middle East and a group of other countries; 3 cluster China and Hong Kong, EU, Japan and North America, 4 cluster - Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and Asia), resulting in partial concluded credibility hypothesis in shaping the international ties of production, transfer and use of knowledge.


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