Strategies and Tactics of Criticism in Political Discourse of Germany and Ukraine (Instrumental-Phonetic Research).


  • O. O. Varetska


strategy; tactic; criticism; political discourse; cultural code; evaluation; German language; Ukrainian language; crosslingual comparison; verbalization; prosodic; kinesic


The first part "Theoretical Principles of Studying the Criticism Phenomenon in the Humanities" provides an analytical review of the theoretical principles of the study of the strategies and tactics of criticism as a communicative act and rhetoric tool in the political discourse of Germany and Ukraine, in particular, defines the status of criticism as an interdisciplinary object in the Humanities, describes the types, forms, cultural and ethnospecific codes of criticism in different types of lingual communities and discourses, analyzes the organization of electoral discourse and communicative strategies and tactics of political criticizing, as well as linguacultural traditions of political criticism in public communications in Germany and Ukraine.

The second part "Methodology of Studying Strategies and Tactics of Criticism in the Political Discourse of Germany and Ukraine" presents the methods, hypothesis, language corpus, program of the comprehensive comparative study of the strategies and tactics of criticism in the political discourse of Germany and Ukraine using methods of identification experiment, computational phonetic analysis, and two-faceted comparison, as well as statistical processing of the data. The section builds a tertium comparationis model for a two-faceted comparative analysis based on the idealized extralingual concept of "political criticism", determines the unit of analysis and means for its extraction in vatious genres of political speeches by politicians in monological and dialogical (debate) formats.

The third part "Criticism Strategies and Tactics in the Political Discourse of Germany and Ukraine" presents the results of the two-faceted comparative analysis of the strategies and tactics of criticism in the political discourse of Germany and Ukraine on two levels: verbal (lexical and syntactic means of verbalizing the strategies of explicit and implicit criticism) and paraverbal (co-speech prosodic and kinesic means of supporting constructive and destructive criticism). The data received allows determining the relations of similarities and differencesin in the embodiment of the strategies and tactics of criticism in electoral campaigns as part of the political discourse of Germany and Ukraine.

Further prospects for the study consist in developing universal interdisciplinary tools for analysis, interpretation and presentation of political criticism in general and in various forms of communication – in scientific discourse, in the media, in online communication, etc.


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