The constitutional right of citizens to assemblies, rallies, marches, and demonstrations: questions of theory and practice.


  • A. H. Zahorodniuk


meetings; rallies; marches; demonstrations; peaceful public assemblies; international standards; grounds for restriction; permission to hold peaceful assemblies; a mechanism for exercising the right for peaceful public assemblies; regulatory and legal mechanism of implementation; institutional and legal mechanism of implementation; judicial authorities


The dissertation is a comprehensive study of the constitutional right of citizens to assemblies, rallies, marches, and demonstrations in the context of of its implementation, which is executed with regard to the theoretical component and practical dimension.

The Unit 1 "Theoretical and legal characteristics of the constitutional right of citizens to assemblies, rallies, marches, and demonstrations" substantiates the provisions involving the complex nature of the constitutional right of Ukrainian citizens to assemblies, rallies, marches, and demonstrations as a multifaceted, social, political and legal phenomenon that covers the subjective constitutional law; a form of direct democracy and a comprehensive legal institution.

The Unit 2 "Mechanism for exercising the right to assemblies, rallies, marches, and demonstrations" substantiates the view that the mechanism for exercising the right to peaceful public assembly is always a logically consistent, systematic interaction of various subjects of law to implement human rights regulations, and not a way of exercising rights and obligations exclusively by an individual. It should not be considered exclusively in the formal legal aspect, as it is exercised under the influence of social, psychological, economic, moral, religious, organizational, and other factors that altogether create the process of realization of rights and freedoms.


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