Social infrastructure in the system of human development of the city.


  • V. S. Boychenko


social infrastructure; human development; quality of life; city; community; social responsibility; social sphere


The dissertation is devoted to the improvement of theoretical and methodological foundations and the development of scientific and practical recommendations to ensure the human development of the city by improving its social infrastructure.
The conceptual and categorical apparatus of research of the problem of social infrastructure has been improved, the list of classification features with the use of identified approaches has been formed; the author's definition of the concept of social infrastructure of the city is given, the key differences between the social infrastructure of the country and the city are outlined. The organizational mechanism of the process of ensuring the human development of the city is built, the factors of direct and indirect influence of the social infrastructure on the human development of the city are determined. Scientific and methodological approaches in the field of branding of territorial-administrative units are studied, the model of formation of a social brand of the city is constructed. The analysis of subjective and objective indicators of development of social infrastructure of the city is carried out, the range of existing problems in this sphere is outlined. Methodological approaches to building a community (city) human development index have been expanded; conducted according to the developed methodology rating assessment of the level of human development of Ukrainian cities on the basis of criteria. A mechanism for ensuring the development of the city's social infrastructure has been developed. Applied aspects of material and program nature are proposed to ensure the formation of favorable conditions for human development in the city, through the improvement of social infrastructure of the city.


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