Realization and protection of economic entities’ rights to trademarks.


  • G. V. Tkachuk


right to trademark; industrial property objects; realization of rights to trademark; agreement on disposition of intellectual property rights; protection of rights; violation of rights; economic and legal liability


The thesis is devoted to the study of the issues of realization and protection of economic entities’ rights to trademarks.

Chapter 1 “General characteristics of realization and protection of economic entities’ rights to trademarks” investigates the content of a notion “trademark” and its correlation with the notion “brand”. It is determined that a brand is a qualitative characteristic (the image in the consumer’s consciousness) of a commodity or a service that influences the consumer and induces him/her to purchase this commodity or service. The differences between the trademark and the brand are distinguished in the paper depending on the demands that are proposed to these objects, their features, volume and term of legal protection, the presence of an idea (mission), and the circle of owners.

In Chapter 2 “Realization of rights of economic entities to trademarks” two methods of realization of rights to trademarks are singled out: 1) use of a trademark in economic activity of a right holder; 2) transfer of the rights to trademark to other individuals on the grounds of relevant agreement. As a result of a conducted study, the concept of “the use of a trademark by the economic entity” is refined as a way of realization of a right of intellectual property to the trademark – committal by the economic entity or by an authorized person a set of legal and actual actions connecting with the implementation of a trademark in certain goods or when providing a service (in advertising, documentation, etc.) and introduction of these goods into productive use.

Chapter 3 “Protection of rights of economic entities to trademarks” studies the violation of rights to trademark and ways to protect them. It is proposed to change the name of the jurisdiction that is part of the right to trademark, “the exclusive right to prevent illegal use of the trademark, including prohibition of such use” to a broader and more entrenched wording “the right to protect intellectual property rights to the trademark in case of its violation, non-recognition, challenge, creation of a threat of violation of the right”.


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Ткачук Г.В. Щодо відшкодування збитків за порушення прав на торговельні марки. Часопис Київського університету права. 2018. №3. С. 222- 226.

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Ткачук Г.В. Окремі питання використання торговельних марок: Законодавство України у сфері інтелектуальної власності та його правозастосування: національні, європейські та міжнародні виміри: матеріали VIІ Всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції молодих вчених та студентів з проблем інтелектуальної власності (27 вересня 2019, м. Київ): ел. збірник. КНУ імені Т. Шевченка, НДІ інтелектуальної власності НАПрН України. К. 2019. C. 319-326.

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